
Willkommen to Zweites Haus School of Wimberley

By Brandi Dawn Schatte

Zweites Haus is not a daycare. Preschool? Not entirely. Zweites Haus is committed to be the closest, unsurpassed, next-best-thing to staying home with Mommy, Daddy, or “Grandma”. Even it’s German name, Zweites Haus, translates as Second House or Second Home, thus declaring its ambition, purpose, and mission.

To effectively describe and communicate the dedication and love felt at Zweites Haus, in addition to its home-setting, is not a simple assignment. But one thing that has been said time and again is that ZH is like Home-School-Away-from-Home.

Although Zweites Haus provides individualized childcare and education to all ages and stages (beginning as early as 2 months and thru 4th grade), their number one priority is to provide children an exceptional, loving, nurturing, and Christ-centered environment during their ever-fleeting yet so important early years.

And for those little persons who are at home full time or even part of the week? Having your child at home is no doubt a celebrated endeavor and great blessing. ZH was founded because of the desire and determination of a Mommy who wanted nothing more than to stay home with her baby! However, she learned quickly that little people can become bored quite easily if they do not feel adequately challenged. That’s when she started teaching her little students American Sign Language. Before long the four toddlers had mastered over 300 signs! It was then she knew that children of all ages thrive, flourish and excel, cognitively and emotionally, when challenged to their specific needs and unique God-given abilities. Not to mention how much they can learn during their early years, and how much they enjoy it. For these kiddos that have the privilege of being home with Momma, Zweites Haus is dedicated to remain the optimum addition to their educational, social and spiritual development. Another lesson this dedicated Mom learned? It’s beneficial for Mommies, too!

To fully appreciate this little school called Zweites Haus, one really must come and experience for themselves the way ZH feels and functions as a family. Because for Zweites Haus School of Wimberley, it truly is their greatest honor and blessing to be considered a child’s Second Home for Learning and Love.

Brandi Dawn Schatte is the founder/owner and director of Zweites Haus. The ZH team has worked in the field of childcare and education for a combined 65+ years. Tours by appointment only. (512) 847-7459 or www.learningandlove.com